Ever wondered what the people behind the mic look like? Who they are? What makes them tick? We’ve got you covered.
Bob Stubbs and Nicole Purvis
Hootenholler, the show itself, has been KCR’s center of bluegrass practically since the station began. Over the course of the first few years, it saw several different hosts. As a result, it’s been referred to as a “Cooperative Co-operative show”, having been held up by so many different hands. The most recent pair, who started way back in 2012, is Bob and Nicole.
Once upon a time, Bob Stubbs was a postman for the City of Nelson. Now, he’s still making deliveries. Only this time, he’s delivering tunes, humor, and good vibes. Tune in to the interview with Bob here on KCR:
Nicole Purvis is a big part of the community, expressing herself through storytelling and working with local families. She’s been actively involved in the station for 17 years, and is still looking ahead to many more! Have a listen to Nicole’s interview here:
Hootenholler airs every Saturday morning at 10am. Be sure to check it out!