Thank You
Funding & Support
Kootenay Co-op Radio would like to thank the following organizations for their generous funding and support.
Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC/FCRC)
The CRFC/FCRC is the only organization mandated to financially support campus and community radio stations in Canada through suitable and flexible funding programs to meet the needs of the sector.
National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA)
The NCRA is dedicated to advancing the role and increasing the effectiveness of campus and community radio in Canada by facilitating communication among members and providing developmental materials and networking services. It also represents the interests of the sector to governments, industry, and other agencies, while promoting public awareness and appreciation for community-oriented radio in Canada.
Upper Columbia Cooperative Council (UCCC)
The Upper Columbia Co-op Council is an association of co-ops and credit unions of the Kootenay and Boundary regions of Southeastern British Columbia, Canada. The Council was incorporated as a Community Service Co-op in October, 2008, and has been formed in partnership with the BC Co-op Association (BCCA) to work locally with its members to strengthen and raise awareness of the region’s vibrant co-op sector.