Listeners!  We need your help! We would like you to send a message to the federal government about the importance of this station

The federal government is currently working on the budget for April 1, 2023, to March 30, 2024. We have put together a specific ask and have shared it with MP Rob Morrison, and the others listed below.  We believe that you can help us with two critical programs that will allow us to not only survive but thrive in our community.

1) The extension and expansion of the Local Journalism Initiative (we currently have 41 stations with paid journalists on the ground), as the 5-year program is about to enter its final year without a plan after 2024 to renew the program.  We are looking for that program to expand to $20 million a year and make it permanent.

2) Establish a 25 million dollar annual Community Broadcasting Fund to be distributed among all stations.  This fund would support all licensed broadcasters, with core and stable funding of around $90,000.

If you could help us by taking the template below, adding to it and it to Rob Morrison MP here:


A template letter for Listeners

Rob Morrison
Kootenay Columbia MP


Dear MP Mr. Morrison,

I am an active and dedicated listener to CJLY, Kootenay Co-op Radio Radio, located in your riding.  This station provides critical local news, information and entertainment to me which I cannot access through any other medium.  I am writing to ask that you support this very important station that serves this community and fights against disinformation. You can do so by

1) Increasing the Local Journalism Initiative to $20 million a year and making it permanent.

2) Establishing a 25 million dollar annual Community Broadcasting Fund to be distributed among all community radio stations, including this one.

Without access to my local community radio station, I would not be able to stay connected to the community that I live in and love.

Thank you;

[Your Name, Your Contact Information, Your location]