Kootenay Co-op Radio and Nelson Kootenay Lake Tourism are compiling events in the region from the north shore to the east shore of Kootenay Lake, also covering the Slocan Valley to Nakusp, Nelson to Kaslo and with additional upcoming events in Rossland, Trail and Castlegar.
For any assistance, reach out to events@kootenaycoopradio.com.
The West Kootenays is the home of many events in sports, community-focused, arts and culture. These events enrich the West Kootenay experience and we are proud to help spread the word with the Kootenay Calendar.
Nelson K
ootenay Lake Tourism showcases what the region has to offer: from dining to shopping, recreation, health & wellness, places to stay and more. Plan your next trip, view the regions ANNUAL EVENTS, and come find awesome!
KCR wishes to acknowledge the funding support of the CRFC Radiometers program which contributed to our successful transmitter move, infrastructure upgrades and digital content management.
If your event involves art, culture and heritage, we also encourage you to submit it to the events listings of the West Kootenay Regional Arts Council. You’ll reach arts and culture fans and professionals from around the Kootenays.