Current Affairs and Culture on KCR is a diverse genre including news, commentary, instructional shows, special interest groups and lots more. If you have an idea for a current affairs or culture show, we’d love to hear your pitch. If approved, we’ll do our best to support you with training and resources.

Before writing up a pitch, we recommend checking out some of the shows already airing on KCR, and DEFINITELY plan on attending a programmer orientation session when they’re offered. If you are looking to create something that doesn’t appear to conform to the kinds of shows we currently produce, don’t let that hold you back. As a community radio station, we are committed to supporting programming that mirrors the diversity of our community.

Third Language Programming

KCR is interested in developing cultural diversity in our programming, and are hoping to welcome hosts who speak languages other than English and French. If you or someone you know would be interested in creating cultural programming in a third language, please get in touch. 

Special Broadcasts – Producing a Feature or Documentary Series

Kootenay Co-op Radio will make space in our schedule to include special features and series created by members in the community. A very short and timely feature can be a part of Kootenay Morning. Longer features and series can get their own temporary timeslot in the programming schedule  

Opportunities for Community Organizations

We want to create more opportunities for community members and organizations to be a part of the chorus of voices that make up KCR. We are looking to find ways to include groups like yours in the programming we create.

Maybe your organization wants to tell a story of your work in the community, or to empower some volunteers or service recipients with a new set of useable skills? We want to work with you to find ways to amplify your message and share your perspectives. Some Possibilities for Community Organizations:

  • Produce a piece for Kootenay Morning about an upcoming initiative or event. Email km(at)kootenaycoopradio(dot)com.
  • Incorporate radio skills training/production into the services you provide or volunteer opportunities you offer.
  • Work towards getting a show on KCR (30 minutes or 60 minutes, once a week for a six month season) produced by your volunteers or staff. There are organizations in the Kootenays who do this, like the EcoSociety and AFKO – we can help you find a way that’s right for you!
  • Partner with a few like-minded organizations to share an alternating time slot. This means that you would take turns producing a show every other week or so.

If you want more info about current affairs and culture programming at KCR, email spokenword(at)kootenaycoopradio(dot)com or call Marya at 352.9600. When you’re ready to pitch, fill out our Show Pitch Questionnaire and review our demo reel requirements below. Please stick to this format (12 minutes maximum), as the volunteer selection committee has many proposals to review.

Current Affairs & Culture Demo Tape Specs

1. Start with music intro. 30 seconds max, then fade out.

2. Give a station ID, i.e. “You are listening to Kootenay Co-op Radio, CJLY, 93.5 FM in Nelson”. Say the name of your  show and introduce yourself.

3. Give a brief overview of what you have planned for your show over the course of the season. Structure this overview as if you are giving a real introduction at the beginning of a show. This should be no more than two minutes long.

4. Introduce another piece of music. Play this music for 60 seconds maximum, then fade it out.

5. Talk about how you will provide voices and perspectives other than your own on your show. Who will you interview? What is your experience/knowledge in the topic of your show?

6. Introduce and play another piece of music. 60 seconds max, then fade it out.

7. Conduct a 2 minute interview with someone (find someone in the station, bring a friend, whatever works.) Find something to ask them about. The interview should demonstrate how you might conduct an interview on your programme.

8. Do an extro, i.e. – “You have been listening to (name of show), on Kootenay Coop Radio, CJLY 93.5 FM, Nelson BC”

9. Finish with another piece of music. 30 seconds of music, then fade it out.