Kootenay Morning, the West Kootenay’s morning cuppa joe is expanding! We’re looking for the right person to help us make that happen. Duties will also include growing our ability to manage the nearly 100 volunteers who help make Kootenay Co-op Radio happen.
To apply, please submit your resume and a cover letter to: kootenaycoopradiohiring@gmail.com. Application deadline is Thursday, December 20, at 9am. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted.
Community Outreach Coordinator
15 hrs per week/approx 38 weeks
Reports to: Board of Directors
Works closely with: News and Spoken Word Coordinator
Key Responsibilities:
1. Kootenay Morning Outreach and Engagement
a. recruit five to seven new Kootenay Morning program hosts and five to seven new technicians.
b. recruit three to five volunteer news reporters
c. maintain and improve our outreach to potential guests and create a community calendar and database of topic-related contacts.
d. develop an annual Kootenay Morning programme calendar (with the News and Spoken Word Coordinator)
e. increase Kootenay Morning’s interactivity with listeners through social media posts, cross-promotion, and in other creative ways
f. develop a social media how-to manual for use by hosts (with the News and Spoken Word Coordinator)
2. Volunteer Supervision and Engagement
a. Arrange for volunteers to assist with:
i. KCR events such as the Polar Bear Swim and Kootenay Music Awards
ii. Membership Drive activities
iii. Summer community booths and events
iv. Other volunteer supervision and engagement as needed
b. Coordinate KCR’s summer raffle
3. Volunteer supervision Miscellaneous Duties
● Attend bi-weekly staff meetings
● Attend Membership Drive committee meetings
● Cover office hours as required
Desired Knowledge, Skills & Qualifications
● Experience and training in volunteer management and team building
● Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written;
● Excellent organisational and time management skills
● Demonstrated ability to set goals, develop timelines, and meet deadlines
Kootenay Co-op Radio is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
While we have your attention…
We’d like to ask you to consider becoming a supporter of Kootenay Co-op Radio.
Over 100 volunteers work hard to produce over 70 hours of original radio programming each week. Without their hard work, this Kootenay institution would not exist. But as great as their efforts are, they don’t pay the bills.
To make that happen, we need support from people like yourself. And the more financially stable we are, the more attention we can devote to our programming. There is so much more we could be doing, but when you are always worried about running on fumes, it’s a struggle to focus attention on how we can improve our programming.
For just $5.50 per month, you can help us become a media leader for commentary, entertainment, and news in the West Kootenay. Please consider supporting Kootenay Co-op Radio today.