Do you have music you want us to hear? In order to get your music into the hands and ears of programmers here at CJLY, please note the following guidelines!
Physical submissions can be mailed directly to the station, addressed to:
KCR Music
308 A Hall Street
Nelson, BC
V1L 1Y8
ALL submissions should have a short write up or 1 pager along with clear genres of interest (eg: country, punk, electronic, classical etc)
At CJLY many of our programmers are on the lookout for new and interesting music!
However, as a small little mountain station we don’t have the capacity to handle the overwhelming increase in digital submissions, so we have a system we hope will help everyone!
DO NOT EMAIL the station or programming manager! Your submissions will not be looked at or shared.
Follow the guidelines below….
Here’s how!
- The most effective way to connect with programmers and shows open to receiving NEW Music Submissions is through the !earshot Digital Distribution System
We encourage any artists or labels looking to connect with people, programmers or platforms that play music to look at !earshot. Check it out, there are a ton of good reasons to use it. Once there, you have access, via the Messaging and Outreach function, to all registered and affiliated stations and contacts, nationwide! Find CJLY there and you can see which programs accept submissions and which genres they are open to.
- For more direct KCR contact, send an !earshot DDS link, Bandcamp or other links to one or more of the relevant category/genre emails listed below. BE AWARE! ONLY reach out to the category/genre emails you believe suit your music. DO NOT BLANKET EMAIL…we won’t like you.
•PSA (Public Service Announcements)
•Classical Music
•Electronic Music
•Experimental Music
•Folk Music
•French Music
•Heavy Music (Punk, Metal etc)
•Hip Hop
•Jazz Music
•Roots Music
•World Music
PLEASE NOTE, there is no guarantee of airplay, however, by following the submission guidelines, there is a better chance of connecting with the right show or programmer. Only reach out to programmers or shows that match the genres of music you are submitting.
Alright, good luck and keep on making music!