WE Earth Radio: Conversations That Make A Difference (WER) with Michael Stone, brings you innovative perspectives from today’s leading-edge thinkers: philosophers, writers, scientists, scholars, artists, activists, and spiritual leaders who are committed to making a difference and healing the wounds of our fragmented world. These are people, like you and me, who are committed to bridging divisiveness, marginalization, and separation while midwifing in a new era of cooperation, interconnection, and mutual respect for all life. Our programs are meant to inform, inspire, and activate listeners who seek positive change and intelligent exploration of issues that truly matter
Our Mission:
1. To inform, inspire, and activate a new story of peace, equality, and right action towards all life.
2. To provide a platform for today’s leading-edge thinkers in the area of Environmental Restoration, Social Justice, Conscious Evolution, and Spiritual Fulfillment.