Active Transport Corridor from Nelson to Castlegar - Session 2

Have your say! The West Kootenay Cycling Coalition (WKCC) won a $50K grant to conduct a feasibility study for an Active Transportation Corridor from Nelson to Castlegar BC in the vicinity of Highway 3A. We will be conducting a series of public engagements with residents along this corridor.

We want your feedback! View the proposed route, learn about our vision, offer ideas and complete a survey.

Then, join our family-friendly Bike Rave starting at the same location at 6:30! For more information visit the West Kootenay Cycling Coalition facebook page.

Active Transportation Corridor from Nelson to Castlegar – Session 1

Have your say! The West Kootenay Cycling Coalition (WKCC) won a $50K grant to conduct a feasibility study for a separated, active transport pathway between Nelson to Castlegar BC in the vicinity of Highway 3A.

We will be conducting a series of public engagements with residents along this corridor. We want your feedback! View the proposed route, learn about our vision, offer ideas and complete a survey.

Come Together

September 19th, 2022 - Kootenay Morning with Jennie Barron

Come Together — Jennie Barron came by Kootenay Morning to explain how we are learning to de-polarize our communities

Listen to our interview with Jennie here: