Producing great radio takes skill. To help our volunteers develop as programmers, KCR also has a physical resource library at the Station, so drop by and check it out!
Studio A Training Video
Another resource we offer programmers is the use of portable audio recorders for collecting audio in the community. You can book a recorder in Nelson, Kaslo or New Denver by calling the station at 250.352.9600.
Handy Links – The National Campus and Community Radio Association unites and serves the interests o community radio in Canada. Check out the program exchange to hear other community radio productions They have information about Indigenous voices on the air, disability access, homelessness, CRTC compliance, research on C/C radio, and lots more.
Radio Diaries – This is a great “how-to” describing tips, tools, and techniques for producing documentary radio. Explore the site and listen to some of the amazing radio diaries they’ve produced! – is a clearinghouse of great info, articles, and audio about radio production (definitely geared towards US public radio, but there are LOTS here to check out). – an audio festival that brings together some of the best producers of public radio in North America. They have a huge archive of audio including lots of “how to” pieces. – the Association of Independents in Radio – resources for folks interested in working in radio, including some good “how-tos”.