This week’s shot of a free range rooster and hen enjoying time in the yard is by Terran Ambrosone, a West Kootenay artist/woodcarver who has recently found a new love of photography. You can check out her work here

Each week we feature a new photo of life in the Kootenays. We’ll be cruising the various sites around the internet dedicated to local photography to reach out to photographers, but if you’d like to submit a photo, here’s how you can do it. Tag your image with #kootenaycoopradio on Instagram, or send us a note.

As a all-volunteer organization, we cannot pay for photos. Instead, you join the ranks of over 100 people who generously donate their time and talent to help co-create Kootenay Co-op Radio. You of course retain the rights to your image, it’s just on loan to us.