SAVE THE DATE & PRE-REGISTER: KCR Online AGM, Wednesday, October 27th at 6:30pm
Hello Kootenay Co-op Radio members!
We hope that you and yours are enjoying the fall festivities and these crisp and colorful landscapes!
We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday October 27th starting at 6:30pm via Zoom. KCR wants to share all of the hard work our volunteers, board members, and staff have been up to over the past year…and we will highlight our ideas and actions that we are working on for KCR’s future.
Note that you will have to pre-register by clicking on the link down below BEFORE October 27th, and here’s why…
1. According to our by-laws (aka “Rules of the Association”) we need a minimum of 25 members in order to have a valid AGM. So, we need to make sure we have at least that many members join us.
2. Members will need to vote on a few items, including the presentation of our June 30th year-end financials and director elections*.
We look forward to “seeing” you at the online AGM. We’ll send details on how to join the meeting closer to the date. With continued thanks for your membership and your support for community powered radio!
Michelle Oakley, Board Chair
On behalf of the Kootenay Co-op Radio Staff and Board of Director
* The AGM is also when new KCR board members are elected. KCR has vacancies for potentially five directors to join our lively, interesting, fun but not-overworked team! Please get in touch if you have any interest or questions. If you are considering putting your name forward, but want some information about the role, please send an email to the address listed above.