Cara Luft's 50 for 50 Kaslo Community Concert At The Langham

Cara Luft returns to the Kootenays as part of her "50 for 50" celebratory tour to her adopted town of Kaslo! Joining her for the show are some of Kaslo's fave local musicians, as well as Cranbrook-based Clayton Parsons.

Radio Free Kaslo, January 10, 2025

On today's show host Randy Morse muses about politics, international, national, and local — from Trump to Trudeau, to the fate of Kaslo's South Beach. He wonders aloud if one way to escape the madness might be to become a dog. Toss in some tunes from the likes of Randy Newman and Neil Young and you have today's Radio Free Kaslo!

Radio Free Kaslo, December 13, 2024

Preserving beautiful land for present and future generations is a huge challenge for many rural communities, desperately seeking ways to stimulate economic activity, and often outflanked by deep-pocketed developers.

On today's show, host Randy Morse has a conversation with three members of Kaslo's South Beach Working Group, on the fate — and future — of South Beach, a 15-acre parcel that cries out to be left in its wildest possible state.

PS: Don't miss the opportunity to let Kaslo's Municipal Council know where you stand on the future of South Beach. Attend Council's upcoming public meeting on the subject, Tuesday, December 17, 6 PM Pacific. If you can't be there in person, join in via Zoom — find the link on the Village of Kaslo's website.



Radio Free Kaslo, December 6, 2024

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.

Pablo Picasso

There's no doubt that theatre — whether a West End London musical, a performance of Hamlet at Stratford, or a one-act comedy performed by a plucky group of amateurs in a small-town auditorium — can be transformative.

On today's show I sit down with actor and director Lynn van Deursen, who has blessed the tiny mountain village of Kaslo with many outstanding theatrical moments over the years. We talk about her effort to put together a community theatre group, the recent plays staged at Kaslo's venerable Langham Theatre, and chat about Lynn's take on theatre generally, and Kaslo community theatre in particular.

If you like your entertainment live and in person, you don't have to be a Kaslo resident to enjoy our conversation!

Radio Free Kaslo, November 29, 2024

The holiday season is upon us!
Kuimba Choir’s seasonal concerts have become a holiday tradition in Kaslo, bringing local singers together in the cozy confines of historic St. Andrew’s United Church for a delightful evening of tunes from around the world, celebrating the imminent arrival of Solstice, Hanukkah, and Christmas.
Radio Free Kaslo host Randy Morse chats today with Kuimba conductor Tamara SunSong, and includes a few morsels of the music the choir will be performing at St. Andrew’s on Friday, December 6 (at 7 PM), and Sunday, Dec ember 8 (at 2 PM).

Radio Free Kaslo, November 22, 2024

As November rolls unstoppably toward December, the combination of suddenly too-short days and bone-tingling chill can be depressing for some.

On the other hand, this is the season when a light in a store window, the sound of music, laughter and enticing smells spilling out of a warm and inviting coffee shop, restaurant, or pub on a dark, cold night can dispel the gathering gloom, at least for a while.

That's the focus of today's show, featuring music by Caroline SaysHozierLoreena McKennitPentatonix, and Joni Mitchell. Cozy up to your phone, tablet, or laptop, and enjoy!

Radio Free Kaslo, November 15, 2024

Well, we're halfway through November. The US election and Remembrance Day have come and gone. American Thanksgiving is creeping up (I'm actually glad not to be a fly on the wall at some of the family feasts down there this year. Why? See "US election" above). Leaves are falling fast and furious, the snowline is creeping down the mountains toward the lake — and us.

And then there's the annual November cold & flu season, which I, for one, am a current victim of. Thank God for college football — Go Ducks (we're #1 — no, really)!

On today's show, I highlight some local Kaslo news, showcase a couple of Canadian musicians, and play some November-themed tunes, all while doing my best not to cough my lungs up. Enjoy!

96.5FM is back!

Dear Kaslo, Crawford Bay, and East Shore listeners,

We missed you. So as soon as the weather mellowed out a bit, KCR stuffed a 40 pound battery backup into a hiking pack, braved the mountain pass, and hiked through the snow up to the tower to get things up and running again.

Thank you for your patience and your continued support!

Remebrance Day Screening

Join us on November 10th for a special Remembrance Day screening of two timeless war films: All Quiet on the Western Front and The Longest Day. These cinematic classics offer powerful portrayals of courage, sacrifice, and the profound impacts of war. As we honor those who served, these films provide a moving reminder of the resilience of the human spirit amidst the trials of conflict. Don’t miss this evocative night of film and remembrance.

This is a free event with any donations going to the support of the Kaslo Legion.

Radio Free Kaslo, November 1, 2024

Yesterday was, of course, Halloween — one of my favourite holidays.

I'm in charge of doling out the goodies, which is a completely delightful task. This year I chatted with some of our trick-0'-treaters, asking them what they like best about this spookiest of nights.

And here is what they had to say!